red and white roses with salal, eucalyptus, and fern in clear glass vase with white filler flowers

Red & White Rose Bouquet

Red & White Rose Bouquet

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Make your special someone feel truly loved by surprising them with this extraordinary "Yours Truly Bouquet" ! Red and white roses in an equal number are artfully arranged in a classic clear glass vase with delicate greens like salal, eucalyptus, and fern with complimenting filler flowers like wispy stems of caspia or white statice. The caspia is a wispy stem whereas the static is a heavier stem. Available in three sizes of 18 roses total, 24 roses total, or 30 roses total. The vase is approximately 10" high and the total height of the arrangement is approximately 24" and approximately 23" wide. The vase is a clear glass spring garden everyday vase.

Item Notes:: Flower Kingdom creates unique, custom arrangements hand designed by our talented staff. Mother Nature creates each flower and plant to be unique and our farm-fresh inventory varies every day, in order to to assure your gift is fresh and gorgeous our team may need to make substitutions but will capture the color & essence of your selection.

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